The Difference Between Shedding and Thinning Hair
When you first notice your hair is falling out, there are likely a million different questions that spring to mind-the chief among them...
When you first notice your hair is falling out, there are likely a million different questions that spring to mind-the chief among them...
The best weather for a hair transplant is perfect weather, not too hot or cold.
If you’re tired of trying to cover up or hide your hair loss with hats or creative parts and hairstyles, you aren’t alone.
Most Experienced FUE Doctors in the Country. We Fix Hairlines and Balding.
When performed by an experienced physician, a hair transplant surgery can produce lifelong results that are so natural...
Hair plugs are an obsolete type of hair transplant technique commonly used until the early 2000s.
We Are The National Leaders In FUE Hair Transplants. Our FUE hair transplantation is done in-office by Dr. Nader Ronaghi...
Yes, Unfortunately, in either sex, pattern baldness is inherited, and hair loss cannot be reversed.
Hair Loss Therapy: The Hairmax Powerflex Laser Cap 272 & the Hairmax Flip 80 Laser Cap